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HR and Employment Law For You and Your Club - The Basics

HR experts and our partner, Citation, have put together the perfect guide that takes you through everything from recruitment and interview prep to discrimination and disciplinaries.
Download your free copy today by clicking the link below:
Did you know that employees have rights before they’re even employed?
Did you also know that a lapsed probationary period is a passed probationary period?
From recruitment, interview prep and contracts of employment, to working time regulations, discrimination and disciplinaries, we’ve covered it all.
If you need a hand with HR and Employment Law basics, then this guide’s the one for you.
Moreover, as a benefit for being a UKGF member, you get free access to Citation and their services.
Feel free to follow our partner, Citation on their social media channels:
LinkedIn: @Citation Professional Solutions
Twitter: @citationltd
Facebook: @CitationLtd