UK Golf Federation news
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However Horsham Golf make the following observations relating to the use and attendance of our facilities. We are in constant contact with the governing bodies for golf, leisure and national legislation and will keep on top of both national and golf / leisure specific advice and as such believe the below is the best understanding of this disseminated information We remain open across all our facilities with no restriction, however we advise that if you have travelled to any category A destination (see PHE site above) please do not attend.
Please also note the government’s advice on staying at home if this applies to you. Stay at home: guidance for people with confirmed or possible Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection If you choose to attend please note all the advice as issued by the government regarding your personal health and hygiene and that of others around you. In particular: Wash your hands regularly Maintain your distance from others (2m) When you cough or sneeze ensure this is into a tissue (throw this away responsibly) use your sleeve if you do not have a tissue.
We believe that the golf course and range are safe places to occupy your time, indeed we believe that if all overarching advice is observed that we can provide an important service throughout this period. We believe taking into account the wider advice on hygiene, perhaps with MORE vigilance that the gym and clubhouse remain a facilities that are safe to use. Note that should you choose to attend but not enter the clubhouse this is fine as long as you have paid the appropriate fees and we are aware of your presence on site.
Note you can book and pay for your golf online using the button at the foot of this email. We will be installing hand sanitizers on site for the use of our customers (due to be installed March 17th). We ask that all customers observe the signage on site that reminds you of your responsibility to act in accordance with national advice.
Please do not use CASH if at all possible, we provide a full range of contactless payment options. It is our hope that we will be able to provide valuable safe activity during a time when you may find other facilities have to restrict your attendance.
At present we are OPEN and hope you will take responsible personal actions when on site but continue to enjoy Horsham Leisure Ltd., we believe we will continue to provide a valuable service during these difficult times.
Kindest regards Neil Burke Director Horsham Leisure LTD