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WATER WEBINAR Securing your Club's future: Navigating evolving water regulations Date: Thursday 5th December 2024
Navigating Evolving Water Regulations,” designed to help you navigate the latest water regulations and secure your golf club's future.

This event is packed with valuable insights from industry leaders and offers strategies to stay compliant, manage water costs, and implement sustainable practices.
Here’s the agenda for the day: 

09:30 - 09:45 Welcome, introduction and background - Doug Poole (UKGF) and Tony Hanson (ESi) 09:45 - 10:15 The National Framework for Water Resources - Andy Turner and Andrew House (EA) 10:15 - 10:45 The Regional Water Resource Plans - Lee Dance (WRSE) 
10:45 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:20 Water storage - Ecology/BNG/Planning - Emma, Louise and Tom (TEP) 
11:20 - 11:40 Case Study - Tony Hanson (ESi) 
11:40 - 11:50 What you should do now - Tony Hanson and Doug Poole 
11:50 - 12:00 Q&A 
12:00 - 12:00 
Close of meeting
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