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The family-owned practice is currently undertaking the initial assessment process for changes to the heathland/parkland course designed initially by 1902 Open champion Sandy Herd and then Robert Sandow - the first nine holes of which date from 1914.
The original course construction at the Milton Keynes-based club was carried out by Charles Willmott, who, uniquely, remained at Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands as the club professional for a remarkable 42 years. Director and architect William Swan explained: "We've been appointed to design golf course improvements, with a view to begin implementation in the autumn and winter.
This will likely see changes to tees, bunkers and green surrounds with additional focus on more effective tree and landscape management. "It's a great honour to be asked to ‘improve' a course with such a unique history and one which is so highly regarded." Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands' general manager, Simon Dennis, added: "I am pleased to be able to work alongside William and the team at Swan Golf Designs once more.
My personal experience of the company is wholly positive and professional and we look forward to reaping the benefits over the next few seasons." Borne out of the collaboration between Sir Henry Cotton and Alex Swan, the family-owned Swan Golf Designs has more than 60 years of experience of designing and renovating golf courses in the UK, throughout Europe and beyond. ENDS