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GolfBIC hailed as a Huge Success for the UK Golf Federation
21 MARCH 2019 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GolfBIC - the Golf Business Industry Convention, to give it its full title, returned this week to its spiritual home - The Forest of Arden Golf Resort after a three-year period when it moved north to Harrogate to be part of BTME and BIGGA.
Being a key trade convention for members of the UK Golf Federation and OGRO it was keenly supported by many varied areas from the golf industry and suppliers, from adventure putting course owners, modest golf ranges to large golf complexes and many leading brands and suppliers to the golf industry. The common theme was the people that are involved in delivering golf in all its various forms to those people that want to play. GolfBIC was so much more than just presentations, it was about commercial opportunities with golf industry leaders who are involved in delivering golf to the masses, coming together and discussing everything that is important to them, both in the exhibition and also over pre-dinner drinks and the gala dinner. It was agreed it was a great time to informally chat to other owners, operators, suppliers and industry figures.
Richard Haygarth - Chairman UK Golf Federation stated: "This was a trade convention so we thank our industry exhibitors and our key corporate partners who joined us, they make GolfBIC happen and their inputs to all our businesses is very important. GolfBIC is about growing business relationships and making all our business develop strong partnerships that grow our profitability".
Doug Poole - CEO commented: "In coming together we provide both a social function and a useful business opportunity. Supporting we had a superb line-up of speakers with Linda Moir, Marcus Childs and Paul Stewart who spearheaded our presentations. Delegates confirmed there was much to learn from all three of these top-class professionals and could not wait to input changes in their businesses". GolfBIC 2020 is now booked for a return next March to the Forest of Arden who managed the event so professionally and ensured everyone's day was a success.
Final comment by the President, Colin Mayes: "We hope everyone left with some great ideas on how to further develop their own businesses".

For more information contact: Doug Poole - CEO - 07711665247 UK Golf Federation - Rural Innovation Centre, Avenue H, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2LG T 02476 414999
ABOUT THE UK GOLF FEDERATION - The UK Golf Federation has a large membership of proprietary golf clubs and driving ranges and promotes open access to growing golf participation through their members and helps new golfers to find user-friendly venues.