Golf Federation Members
Settle Golf Club
The Settle and Giggleswick Golf Club was formed on Wednesday 16th October 1895.
The opening was marked with a match between a Doctor Thomson and Tom Vardon. Tom was the brother of six times Open Champion Harry Vardon who popularised the overlapping grip known as the Vardon Grip.
During the early part of the twentieth century, the Club endured some hard times and has nearly closed on a number of occasions. Indeed during the Second World War, it was only kept open by Harold Lambert, a member who donated twenty-five pounds per year throughout the war to cover the Club’s rent. Harold went on to be Club Secretary for an incredible forty-nine years.
By the sixties, the Club's fortunes started to pick up. The course has constantly been remodeled and changed over the years to provide what is now an excellent nine-hole course with one of the best opening par three holes in North Yorkshire.
The Course
This 9 hole course nestles in a bowl at the foot of Giggleswick Scar and is the source of Tems Beck which is a tributory of the River Ribble. Bunkerless it may be, however the course is protected by streams, trees, crags and traditional dry stone walls.
The outstanding opening hole, which also serves as the tenth, provides a wonderful start to your round.This is follwed by 4 "flat” holes in the bottom of the valley where deep streams criss cross the course. Alternate tees are used to create a varied experience between the first and second nine holes. The 4 "hilly” holes on higher ground provide a change in terrain and bring an interest to the course that should not be missed.
Visitors are welcome with prior arrangement
Please contact
Sorry we cannot accept roll up visitors, as we need you to know when you intend to play.
The course is rarely busy so there is no requirement to reserve an actual tee time, it is just a case of turning up and playing. In the unlikely event that someone else is on the 1st/10th tee when you arrive, please just wait until it is clear to play.
Buckhaw Brow, Giggleswick, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 0DH